

Boost your clarity and confidence in 60 days (or less) without spending hours on watching YouTube videos, searching for exercises online and wondering ‘what should I do next?'

Boost your clarity and confidence in 60 days (or less) without spending hours on watching YouTube videos, searching for exercises online and wondering ‘what should I do next?'



Tired of practicing pronunciation without seeing results?
You’re serious about improving your English performance?

Good. You’ve come to the right place.

Once you get LIFETIME access to Hadar’s Pronunciation Workshop you’ll have EVERYTHING you need to take a few giant steps on your own in your abilities to communicate in English with clarity and confidence, especially if you don’t have HOURS to spend on it every day. 

The best part? I’ll guide you on how to do it on your own without feeling lost.

Here’s what you’re going to find in my pronunciation workshop:


American Accent in 5 Steps: A 90-min workshop and workbook that will take you step by step and explain the sounds in English, and what action you need to take to transform your awareness and abilities to communicate in English.


Lifetime access to a collection of video lessons (over 8+ hours of teaching) that will teach you how to pronounce the most challenging vowel and consonant sounds, and help you understand American intonation and rhythm. These are not my regular YouTube videos.


Professional English Workshops: 5 workshops (7+ hours in total) on job interviews, public speaking, small talk, cross-culture communication, boosting your vocabulary and the fluent mindset.


The daily Practice Toolkit (for busy people): 56 daily recordings of a 10-min guided practice (and script), so you can practice every day without searching for content or wondering “what should I practice today?”


Downloadable practice drills and audio recordings of the most important sounds of English (lists of words, phrases, and sentences to practice that will allow you to use these new sounds spontaneously and effortlessly). 


5 Sprints + PDF (Hadar’s unique pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary drills). 


2 speech analyses along with cheat sheet PDF’s to understand and practice American intonation. 

Here's a sneak peek
inside HPW:


What people asked before saying “Yes, I'M IN!”

Once you join HPW, you’ll get LIFETIME access to the content and materials. 

New Sound is my most comprehensive program, that offers you a new system for mastering English. It includes coaching sessions, practice groups, hours of video lessons and a closed FB group with community learning. I run this program twice a year.

The Pronunciation workshop is designed for self-learners who are looking for an immediate improvement in their pronunciation rather than a holistic transformation (that includes forming habits, high performance, voice, mindset and more). This is a really great way to GET STARTED. You can always join New Sound later if you feel that you need more (you will only have to add to your initial HPW investment).   

Once you join you get access to the entire program and countless resources, and this is why all sales are final (no refund). To help you make a decision we added the sneak peek video and elaborate explanation of everything you’re going to get. If you are interested in having an efficient platform to provide you with all the tools you need to practice effectively and improve, I have no doubt you’re going to LOVE the program. Still not sure? Send us an email [email protected] or click on the chat button and we’d be happy to help! 

If you’re interested in joining New Sound later this year, you will get your HPW investment back 100% and will be able to join by paying for the difference between the two programs.

In the workshop, I don’t include ALL sounds, but only the ones I know can significantly improve clarity for most speakers. 

a as in cat
a as in father

Strong R
Soft R
the Flapped T

The Practice Toolkit is 56 10-minute guided practice recordings which guide you on WHAT to practice and HOW to practice every day for EIGHT weeks. Think of it like guided meditation for pronunciation 😉 

All you need to do is to commit to spending 10 minutes a day with me, and hit play.

Even if you only use THAT, and not any of the other resources I offer you in this workshop, you will still see significant improvement in your awareness and abilities within 2 months.

This is what Anastasia has to say about the Practice Toolkit: “That’s a precious asset! I already started working with it. 🤓Now I don’t need to do much planning, just press “Play”: the optimal solution for busy (and lazy) people. 😄I like the structure of the lessons! Thank you, Hadar!”


A sprint is a sequence of speech drills I’ve developed, aimed at building pronunciation confidence in new sounds, new words and common grammar structures. The repetition builds muscle memory so it becomes easier to use these sounds, retrieving the words, and internalizing the grammar rule used. All while working from the outside IN. Pronunciation confidence is my unique teaching technique that has helped thousands of my students, and the students who have used different sprints daily say that it works like MAGIC and they share incredible results. (here’s an example





All sales are final.