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Before joining New Sound, I was looking for a job in Canada and I felt unprepared for the job market there. In Brazil, my job was all about being convincing and conveying the right message to my clients and team. Communication was my superpower, and it seems I had completely lost it.

When I made the decision to join New Sound, I immediately saw that this program was different from any other.

First, the course is designed to take into account all the necessary details for all learners around the world. In addition, each lesson considers all the questions we could have about that particular point. In my field of work, we call it “pixel-perfect”.

When I talked to other members of the program, we all agreed that we have never experienced anything like this engagement, enthusiasm, or outcome in a course before.

New Sound gave us a completely different perspective. What used to be a struggle, now we see as a new challenge to be accomplished. What used to be painful, has become fun. Rather than beating ourselves up, it now serves to motivate us to go beyond our expectations.

This course gave me back my confidence to communicate. Ultimately, it gave me back my superpower.

The course is designed to take into account all the necessary details for all learners around the world. Each lesson considers all the questions we could have about that particular point. In my field of work, we call it "pixel-perfect".
Francis Kodama