Episode Transcript

End of day pronunciation routine | Transcript

Hey everyone, it’s Hadar. Today we have a 5-minute pronunciation cooldown practice. This practice is going to help you release tension from your articulation organs and facial muscles, and it’s going to help you speak with more ease and effortlessness. It’s really good to do this practice at the end of the day, after a long day of speaking, after a good pronunciation practice, or just if you feel stressed before speaking.

Let’s start.

Breath in through the nose. Out through the mouse.

Ear to shoulder. Neck to the sides. Chin to chest and up.

Tongue stretch. Lip trill.

ma, ma, mee – ma, ma, moo.

see – sue, peel – pool.

ma, ma, mow – ma, ma, maaa. mow – maaa.

hole – hall. woke – walk. coat – caught.

ran – run – Ron. cat – cut – caught.

Massage your jaw. Behind your ears.

Slide your hands down your cheeks and release sound.

Jaw shake. Jaw shake, release sound.

Shoulders to ears, drop with an exhale.

ran – run – Ron. cat – cut – caught.

Clean your teeth with your tongue. Tongue trill.

Inhale deeply and exhale while saying:
I am. She is. You are. They are.

Raise your pitch:
I am. She is. You are. They are.

Lip trill. Body shake.

Breathe in and out through your belly.

All right. I hope you enjoyed this pronunciation cooldown practice. If you’re looking for more upbeat pronunciation drills and daily pronunciation practice, check out the links below the video. If you like this video, be sure to subscribe and share it with your friends.

Have a beautiful, beautiful rest of the day. And I’ll see you next week in the next video. Bye.