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I had wanted to speak English for a long time but was not improving. I thought maybe I just didn’t have the talent to learn a new language. I was very frustrated. I had embarrassing experiences. I decided to quit. But then I came to understand something that changed my life – I may not be able to control bad things in my life, but I can choose how I respond. This was the beginning of a powerful new direction for me. I decided I was going to get serious and become a fluent speaker. But I had no idea how. With a new attitude and determination I felt a powerful conviction rising up inside of me, an image of a ‘future me’ speaking fluently. But I knew my approach to studying was all wrong and had to change. Then I found Hadar. She changed my life. Hadar created a method to teach her students how to improve their English, become fluent, and speak with confidence and clarity. She motivates and inspires us. Because of you, Hadar, now I believe it’s possible to become fluent in English, just speaking as myself.

Hadar created a method to teach her students how to improve their English, become fluent, and speak with confidence and clarity. She motivates and inspires us.
Linda Swartz