Brighten Up Your English

Sprint Master

30 daily Sprints designed to boost everything about your English in the most efficient way.
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New Sound

I'm opening a new transformational English program - one that has never been seen before - and I'm inviting you to join.
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Optimize, energize & organize your English practice in a one-of-its-kind Community for multilinguals who want to skyrocket their English performance
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Accent Makeover

The complete A-Z course for non-native English speakers who struggle with their spoken English and want to communicate clearly, confidently, and fluently.
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Hadar's Pronunciation Workshop

Boost your clarity and confidence in 60 days (or less) without spending hours on watching YouTube videos, searching for exercises online and wondering ‘what should I do next?'
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Stop Making These Mistakes

Enter your Name & Email to get FREE access to a pronunciation cheat-sheet of the 50 most mispronounced words in English

When you sign up, you’ll also get our video lessons delivered to your inbox each week. Don’t like it? NP. You can unsubscribe at any time!