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Episode #358

Do you really need feedback to improve? The answer might surprise you

00:17:30 minutes long
audio file size: 24.2 mb

Do you need feedback to improve your English? You might think that the ONLY way to improve is to have a teacher or person that can give you feedback and corrections on everything that you say.

While having a teacher that can give you feedback is certainly valuable, you can absolutely improve without having a teacher or anyone to give you feedback when you practice!

Having a teacher give feedback can be a privilege that many people don’t have. You might feel that if you don’t get feedback, you’ll never be able to get to where you want to be. But that’s not the case at all!

In this episode, I’ll talk about the pros and cons of receiving feedback, and how you can give yourself feedback – no teacher required!

Now I want to hear from you. Have you found a strategy to practice giving yourself feedback on your own? Do you have any tips for the rest of us? Let me know in the comments!

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2 Responses

  1. Hello
    I wasn’t aware of my mistakes until I discovered the #LoomApp advised by #Hadar’sTeam thx for that and that helps me a lot

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